Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Prototype Model of Interpersonal Communication Essay

If I am asked what comes to my mind when one mentions interpersonal communication, I will think of several points, some of which I will try to explain here. The first and perhaps the most important element of my prototype of interpersonal communication is ongoing development. What it means by ongoing development is that interpersonal communication requires interactants to build a relationship between them and this can only be done over a long period of time, through a relatively high frequency of interactions. Thus, without gradual developments, one cannot expect to have an interpersonal relationship with others, because to get to that level, efforts and time—which both are the foundations of ongoing development—are very necessary. Our†¦show more content†¦These kinds of communications are usually typical, not distinctive. No matter where we go to buy our groceries, our interactions tend to follow a similar, repetitive pattern: greeting, small talk with a little smile, and parting. In interpersonal communication, however, the interactions are different. In an interpersonal level, everyone is recognized as a unique individual (Miller and Steinberg, 1975; Beebe, Beebe, and Redmond, 2002). The type of interaction we have with one person tends to be different from the interaction we have with another person and, therefore, each individual becomes irreplaceable (Wood, 2010). To illustrate this, I will give an example from my personal experience. I have two best friends: Benny and Reza. I first knew Benny in my second year of high school and we have been friends ever since. We do many things together, help each other, and share ideas as well as concerns about various issues. I know exactly where he will go if he says he wants to go fishing. I know his concern about a high rate of unemployment, and his fluctuational romantic relationship with his girlfriend. Reza, on the other hand, is a friend I met in my undergraduate years. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Heart Of Darkness By Joseph Conrad And The Portrayal Of Women

Lucia Zhu Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad and the Portrayal of Women Joseph Conrad’s novella Heart of Darkness is an adventure tale about the narrator’s journey through the mysterious Congo River. Marlow, the narrator, becomes a sea captain as he travels the world in a steamboat. His journey starts from the Thames River in England to deep in the Congo River of Africa. Marlow’s mission is to locate and retrieve Europe’s best agent–Mr. Kurtz. As the search for Kurtz proves to be both horrifying and revealing, it brings Marlow face to face with the â€Å"heart of darkness†. As Marlow unfolds Africa’s mystery, he sees more and more of Africa being wrongfully exploited. Within the complex framework of Marlow’s physical and mental journey, Joseph Conrad takes a complex stance on the nature of women so that they are seen as weak and separated from the men of the novella. In his tale, Conrad is oblivious to gender discrimination. Marlow, the protagonist of Heart of Darkness, unconsciously surrenders to t he inequality of his era regarding the decency of women. Throughout the novella, the female characters in the text reveals Conrad’s separation of women to their own bubble of a world, only to sometimes reveal the power they hold. Conrad’s sexism is first recognized through diction of the portrayal of Marlow’s aunt. As Marlow looks for a job, his male family members are hesitant to help because they are aware of the dangers in Africa. Marlow’s aunt, on the other hand, is very willingShow MoreRelated The Role of Women in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Essay969 Words   |  4 PagesThe Role of Women in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Women have taken an increasingly important role in literature. Only recently have authors portrayed women in a dominant, protagonistic light. Sophocles and other classical writers portrayed women more as reactors than heroines. 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Conrads portrayal of the characters, setting, symbols, and ironiesRead More Portrayal of Women in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Essay874 Words   |  4 PagesPortrayal of Women in Heart of Darkness      Ã‚  Ã‚   In his novel, Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad exposes the evil lurking in the soul of mankind; but this corruption is hidden from the innocent European women. Conrad?s novel depicts women simplistically in black and white ? without any confusing shades of gray. There are the innocent white European women who must -- for societys sake -- be misinformed, and the black African she-beast ? the antithesis to civilizations order.    Those exposedRead More Symbols, Setting, and Ironies of Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness1201 Words   |  5 PagesSymbols, Setting, and Ironies of Heart of Darkness   Ã‚   Joseph Conrads novel, Heart of Darkness, is about many things: seafaring, riverboating, trade and exploration, imperialism and colonialism, race relations, the attempt to find meaning in the universe while trying to get at the mysteries of the subconscious mind. Heart of Darkness is a vivid portrayal of European imperialism.   The book in other words is a story about European acts of imperial mastery (1503)-its methods, and the effectsRead MoreRacism And Sexism In Joseph Conrads Heart Of Darkness1108 Words   |  5 Pagesundertaking VCE. 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Shakespeares character Juliet Essay Example For Students

Shakespeares character Juliet Essay Paragraph I (Juliet)Romeo and Juliet both grew up in haughty, first class households, where they were provided with everything they wanted and needed, not to mention a broad education including proper etiquettes. Juliet is a very courageous and loyal person to Romeo, for she not only stands up to her parents, but to systematic way of life that has existed for hundreds of years (arranged marriages). Shes tells her mother immediately at the ball that she will only meet Paris because she wants her to and not because she is voluntarily interested in him: Ill look to like, if looking liking move. But no more deep will I endart mine eyeThan your consent gives strength to make it fly. (1,iii,98-100)Romeo on the other hand shows courage, but not the same kind. He has a loving relationship with his father, and his courage is shown by him perusing his love for Juliet, knowing the consequences of associating with a Capulet. Since men could marry whoever they wanted, I wouldnt call him courageous. Juliet also qualifies as devoted, after the nurse tells her that she should just go ahead and marry Paris, she says she will kill herself if she is forced to marry Paris. She would rather take her own life than to have a life without Romeo:Ancient damnation! Oh, most wicked fiend!Is it more sin to wish me thus forsworn,Or to dispraise my lord with that same tongueWhich she hath praised him above compareSo many thousand times? Go, counselor. Thou and my bosom henceforth shall be twain. Ill to the Friar, to know his remedy. If all else fail, myself have power to die. (3,v,235-242)Juliet has already heard the nurses advice, she will talk to the friar, and if he doesnt tell her what she wants to hear, she will kill herself.